This "Small Wall Cabinet For Bedroom" graphic has 20 dominated colors, which include Silver, Uniform Grey, Sunny Pavement, Snowflake, Rattan, White, Tin, Black Cat, Medallion, Pig Iron, Colossus, Steel, Petrified Oak, Kettleman, Ivory, Lavender Violet, Thamar Black, Del Sol Maize, Megadrive Screen, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea. It makes so beautiful color combination inspired from this image.
Color | Hex | RGB | Name |
#c0c0c0 | rgb (192, 192, 192) | Silver | |
#a8a8a8 | rgb (168, 168, 168) | Uniform Grey | |
#d8d8d8 | rgb (216, 216, 216) | Sunny Pavement | |
#f0f0f0 | rgb (240, 240, 240) | Snowflake | |
#a89060 | rgb (168, 144, 96) | Rattan | |
#ffffff | rgb (255, 255, 255) | White | |
#909090 | rgb (144, 144, 144) | Tin | |
#303030 | rgb (48, 48, 48) | Black Cat | |
#c0a878 | rgb (192, 168, 120) | Medallion | |
#484848 | rgb (72, 72, 72) | Pig Iron | |
#606090 | rgb (96, 96, 144) | Colossus | |
#787878 | rgb (120, 120, 120) | Steel | |
#907860 | rgb (144, 120, 96) | Petrified Oak | |
#606060 | rgb (96, 96, 96) | Kettleman | |
#fffff0 | rgb (255, 255, 240) | Ivory | |
#7878a8 | rgb (120, 120, 168) | Lavender Violet | |
#181818 | rgb (24, 24, 24) | Thamar Black | |
#d8c090 | rgb (216, 192, 144) | Del Sol Maize | |
#4848a8 | rgb (72, 72, 168) | Megadrive Screen | |
#181878 | rgb (24, 24, 120) | 20000 Leagues Under the Sea |